two wonderful people

two wonderful people

We met Mr and Mrs Schlender many years ago (thirty to be exact) in our goldsmith workshop in Montegrotto Terme.
Mr and Mrs Schlender are lovers of the Baths and frequent them to take care of their health.
Every year as a tradition they arrive on the Sunday of Corpus Domini and come to visit us always bringing a flower for Daniela and one for Marzia.
The love for colored gems, fire opals, emeralds, amethysts, tourmalines has led them to be Collectors of small works (as a dimension) of goldsmithery.
With them we share the tenderness of the choice of jewelry that is dedicated to the lady.
Over time we have also exchanged some friendly meetings, so we are closer to Berlin, to their history and ours.
To us the journey we taken with them is really precious, they are two wonderful people.

Mrs and Mr Schlender: two wonderful people from Banci Banci on Vimeo.

ivan sandrolini